​​Incoming Transfers: 

                                                                                                                                                       Now accepting NFA Transfers!

Thank you for choosing to have your firearm transferred through Big Boyz Guns. Please note that Big Boyz Guns reserves the right to refuse acceptance of any transfer firearm or to make transfer to any end user.  All federal, state and local laws will be followed 100% with zero exceptions.

  We are already on file with most online retailers. Just select Big Boyz Guns upon checkout. If you order from someone whom we are not on file with. We only release our FFL to other dealers and will not respond to customer requests for our license. Have your shipping dealer email us a request for our FFL with a copy of their license and we will respond in kind.  We do not have a fax machine. 

 We only provide our transfer service to legal Virginia residents and active duty military personnel that are PCS to a base or station in Virginia (see below).  You can only arrange a transfer for yourself.  You may not arrange a transfer for someone else.  The dealer sending the firearm must provide a copy of their FFL and your contact information in the box. In the event we receive a firearm without this information an extra handling fee of $10 will be assessed to the transfer for our time in tracking down you and where the transfer came from.

Only the end recipient person listed on the transfer paperwork for the firearm can complete the transfer.  You may not send someone else to pick up a firearm or do the transfer paperwork. No spouses, no relatives. 

 We only accept incoming shipments from Dealer FFL holders.   We do not allow non-licensees (those without a Dealer FFL) to ship firearms to us for transfer (No C&R FFL Holder Transfers accepted as we cannot verify those online)..  Our decision to only accept shipments from Dealer FFL holders will provide a measure of security to prevent the cases of fraud and theft that we have seen. This also prevents time wasted in dealing with firearms that just show up without any information. In the event a transfer is shipped to our store and it is not from a FFL holder, The item will not be transferred to you. The item will be returned to senders choice of FFL at senders expense plus a $50 transfer fee for our wasted time.

 Most transferees are provided with tracking numbers for their firearms, and in most cases you are aware that the firearm has been delivered to our store before we are.  We get many firearms every day and mountains of other gear.  Firearms have an administrative process that they must go through before they are available for pickup.  We are obligated to process guns for Big Boyz as a first priority and therefore transfer firearms are a second priority.  We are required by federal law to record all firearms within a short, definite time period. This is ASAP.

 Your transfer firearm will be available ASAP.  We will always work to process it as quickly as possible and will notify you as soon as it is ready, but DO NOT come to pick it up on the day it is delivered unless we have notified you that it is ready to be picked up.  Our receiving department has to assign their resources by priority and will not be able to process your transfer while you wait on the day that it is delivered to our store.  When your firearm is ready to be picked up we will most likely contact you via phone or email, but we will call if we can process your firearm at a time of day that is appropriate for telephone contact.

  We have very limited storage space for transfers.  We can only store your transfer firearm for 14 days, after 14 days your transfer will accrue a $15/day storage fee. After 30 days your transfer will be deemed abandoned and the transfer will be sold for recoop of fees and payment for wasting our time and resources. No redress or compensation will be made for your abandoned property.  That should allow plenty of time for coordination of schedules to pick the firearm up.  If you require that the firearm be stored for longer, you must arrange for the seller/shipper of the firearm to store it and ship it so that it arrives within a window of opportunity for you to pick it up inside the two week period.  We will not store more than 3 firearms per transferee during this two week period. If you ship more than 3 to us for transfer each item will be charged a transfer fee and we will ask you to not do it again. Repeat violators will be denied future transfers.

Virginia one handgun per month law. You may only transfer one handgun in a 30 day period unless you have a valid exception like a VA Concealed Carry Permit. If you order more than one handgun and cannot transfer it due to the 30 day law,  A  storage fee will apply at $25 for the first month then $15/day after.  This will only be allowed once, We cannot store your firearms due to space restrictions. This is designed to prevent repeaters causing space issues in our store.

Transfer Fee for NFA items, Silencers and SBRs only- $100 fee plus any storage fees if required*.  If your transfer takes longer than 120 days there will be a $15/month storage fee applied. Have your purchasing NFA Dealer email us for exchange of permits. This fee does include our fingerprinting & e-form fee.

 Our transfer fee is $20 per firearm plus the $2 Virginia state police background check fee per transaction.  This fee is very competitive and, coupled with our speed and efficiency, makes our process the best value for your time and money. 

We can verify the firearms legal status to make sure it is not reported lost or stolen on the Virginia State Police database for a $25 fee if desired. This gives you piece of mind that you are not purchasing a stolen firearm.

 Finally, we are a gun store and we love guns.  Law abiding transferees have nothing to fear, but unfortunately, we have seen transfers that involve firearms and transferees that we don't normally see and situations that don't make sense.  We have a very small window of opportunity to make sure that someone on the receiving end is not trying to arrange for a straw purchase or other criminal activity. We will not hesitate to refuse a transfer or report suspected criminal activity to the proper law enforcement agencies. We reserve the right to stop transfers and deny at any time. Take it up with ATF.  If you are denied transfer by the state we charge a $5/day storage fee, and or ship them back at your expense. There will also be a $50 denied fee applied for our trouble.

  All Transfers are AS IS WHERE IS and have no warranty from Big Boyz Guns. We will not be held responsible in any way for you or your firearms use. 

We will not tolerate rudeness, cussing or temper tantrums if you do not like our policies. We follow the law 100% and will not make exceptions because another dealer does or it is always been that way before. We are not that other dealer and we are not going to make an exception because you are inconvenienced by the law or our policy. We provide transfers as a courtesy and do not make a profit from them. We can and will absolutely stop the transfer for violating this standard of conduct and you will have to find another dealer to do the transfer at your expense. Storage/transfer and shipping fees apply.

 When you come to pick up your firearm, you will need to bring your VALID Virginia driver's license (or Virginia DMV issued ID card) that displays your current residence address.  Thirty days have to have elapsed since the issuance of an "original" or "duplicate" driver's license. Check the issue date, REN and RIE are ok. ORI and DUP must elapse 30 days from issue date.

 If you are active duty military and are stationed in Virginia, you will need to bring your home state driver's license, your active duty military ID card and a copy of your current orders that PCS you to a base in Virginia.

 If you have a post office box displayed on your driver's license, there are additional ID requirements. A valid government issued card with your correct name and address. DMV registration, Voter Id card, etc. is required along with a VALID photo ID, if your photo ID is punched with void from the DMV it is no longer valid and will not be accepted.

                                                                                                                                                Outbound Transfers:

 Big Boyz Guns offers outbound firearms transfers for $35 per firearm plus estimated shipping cost.  We ship with USPS and will select the most cost effective service for your shipment.  The firearm must be shipped to a federally licensed firearms dealer.  Please note that due to peculiarities with California law, we do not ship firearms to California under any circumstances. There may be other restrictions in several states, check before coming to us. If we cannot ship due to local laws in the receiver state a transfer fee will be applied and 4473 paperwork must be done to get firearm back.

 When you drop your firearm off for shipment, you must provide us with a copy of the FFL (Federal Firearms License) from the dealer that is receiving the shipment.  The dealer may provide their FFL to you, or they may email it directly to Big Boyz Guns at bigboyzguns@gmail.com.  We can't ship the firearm until we have a valid FFL copy.  We prefer to have the FFL in-hand prior to accepting your firearm for shipment.

  Do not completely seal your packages as we must inspect the contents and verify the firearm information prior to shipment. We ask that you provide the shipping materials; we have materials available for additional cost.

 We insure all shipments upon request.  There is a small additional fee for this, but it is money well spent.  All claims must be pursued on the receiving end via the receiver and the post office.  We have witnessed others who have opted not to insure a shipment and then regretted it.

 You may be required to leave a credit card number with your shipment to cover the cost of shipping.   We do this as we will not know an exact shipping total when the firearm is dropped off.  Your card will be charged for shipping and transfer fee when the shipping total is calculated. If you insist on paying in cash we will overestimate the cost of shipping and apply the excess to a handling fee.

 Your shipment will be made as quickly as possible.  In most cases, your firearm will be shipped out on a Monday, pending our receipt of a valid FFL from the receiving dealer. We will email you a tracking number the evening of day of shipping, Please allow 24 hours for the tracking information to show up in the USPS system.